Wyniki wyszukiwania: Wpisz szukany tekst lub artyst%C4%99thunder i wonder if it%27s true


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Wpisz szukany tekst lub artyst%C4%99thunder i wonder if it%27s true

Teksty piosenek (552597)

Wpisz szukany tekst lub artyst%C4%99thunder i wonder if it%27s true

  • Wonder - Dynamite Boy
    "I have a secret, but I can't keep it Cuz it's all about you And if I tell it, I'll surely regret it And you'll doubt that it's true Maybe you'll hate me, laugh and berate me say I don't mean what I say Don't"
  • Wonder Wonder - Edith Frost
    "I don't know what to do about you I don't know what to do about you I learned a lot of rules from the Bible baby But I wonder wonder what I should do I wonder wonder what I should do I don't know"
  • Tekst - Płomień 81
    "To nie jest kiepskie bla bla, to zabije cię jak Kain Abla Klasyczne jak Duck Down rap propaganda Znamy kilka miejsc niebezpiecznych jak Bagdad Znamy wielki stres z nami dobry tekst, dobry panczlajn Ty"
  • I Wonder - Kanye West
    "Find your dreams come true And I wonder if you know What it means, what it means And I wonder if you know What it means, what it means And I wonder if you know What it means to find your dreams I've been"
  • I Wonder - King Geedorah
    "(Hassan Chop) Thats right I got problems and personal issues Stories that'll make ya--eyes tear and wet tissue Its true, I'm +Madd+ like the +Rapper+ I'm so upset I gotta put it up in my rap before I snapper After"
  • Szukam - Hary x Danex
    "Robi się lekko duszno, Ej chodź do mnie, Jesteś super dupką, zakochałem się konkret. Napijemy się szampana, zaśpiewamy na na na, pobawimy do rana (co?) chyba, że zasnę- to chuj. tak? wyjebane tak mocno tak?"
  • Szukam - Juras & Wigor
    "Odnoszę wrażenie, że wciąż czegoś szukam Do ilu jeszcze drzwi zastukam by uzyskać odpowiedź? Teraz twoja kolej, sam dowiedź na ile cię stać To jak przed Bogiem spowiedź trzymającym nad każdym piecze Reszta"
  • Godziny wbite w tekst - Raper Pawlak i Walbrzych Eskadra
    "Yo!!! Zaczynamy bo rymy mamy Godzinami zarzadzamy rymami Godziny wbite w tekst czy lato czy zima ja caly czas musze miec w glowie ryma czy jest snieg czy deszcz musze miec ten sam klimat Uwielbiam gdy"
  • Pliki i teksty - Owal/Emcedwa feat. Dj-Ean
    "Mógłbym pod ten bit przewinąć jak Eldoka Ale co tam to jest moje to mój projekt To miasto Poznań po tym możesz mnie poznać Epizod trzeci chyba że masz coś przeciw Nad miastem krążę moje miasto w to włączę Bez"
  • Ślizgam się tekst - Zelo PTP
    "Nastał czas surferów Ślizgam się przez to życie cały czas ziom Płynę po bicie Tak jak płynę przez świat I tak Ślizgam się przez to życie ponad 11 lat Raz bywa gorzej a raz bywa lepiej Co ma być ot będzie Żyję"
  • Wonder - Shawn Mendes
    "I Wonder if i am being real Do i speak my truth Or do i filter hw i feel? I Wonder, wouldn’t it be nice To live inside a world that isn’t black and white I Wonder, what’s it’s like to be my friends Hope"
  • Wonder - Lamb
    "Lately I find myself Amazed And all around me Everything I see Like all of life a blaze With love That suddenly I see Only now I see The wonder The wonder of it all Wonder everywhere More than we know Heaven's"
  • Wonder - Oval Opus
    "I kind of wonder, Every now and then. What you were doing, And how have you been? It's been so long, Oh so long. I kind of wonder, Just where we went wrong? I've almost forgotten, Your body next to"
  • Wonder - Shakra
    "We all live on this planet Giant gentle and blue We breathe and walk and wonder A place for me and you Why is it that I wake up To a new day's light And how come the starlight Shines so bright tonight Tell"
  • Wonder - Delirious?
    "Is it any wonder that my heart is on the line Is it any wonder that my words are out of time Is it any wonder that I miss you like your mine Oh sweet heart you've broken this sweet heart Oh sweet heart"
  • Wonder - Chalk Farm
    "Life chases fiction With contradiction Pick yourself up It's all right Blood marks the pavement So this is where I am Well stop the car And look around We're getting nowhere I'm not looking for a miracle And"
  • Wonder - Submersed
    "I wonder if there's a life, Between right and wrong I wonder which side I'm on, or if I'm strong enough I wonder why, They left me here for dead, No wonder there, Are voices in my head Standin' at the"
  • Wonder - Embrace
    "All the signs were there for me to see If I cry out with fear I'll feel more afraid So beat the sense back into me 'Cos you are like forbidden fruit out of my reach And I forgot what I had sometimes But"
  • Wonder - Superchic(k)
    "Dear diary I saw this guy at the show He was singing to me At least I think so All the world around me stopped when he said Hi He's the perfect guy His hair, his eyes, oh, I love his smile When he opened"
  • Wonder - Vanessa Carlton
    "When the pressure will not fade away When the real things starts to become fake When you cant recognize your own hands Turn around and begin again When the sky starts ripping and falling And the horizon"

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